Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wilders Immersion - What?!

My husband is the adventurous sort. He embraces the outdoors as part of his arena for contact sportz of every variety. Me? Well, I like to go camping, but I like there to be running water and flush toilets too.

I'm not a total wimp and not afraid to try new things, so when Dan (aka Otis to his Trackers Bretheren) approached me about doing a 9-month immersion program through his employer, Trackers NW, I didn't cringe at the idea. My biggest concern was child care!  Our concerns were voiced at a Trackers gathering and we were invited to bring the whole family. Obviously they had never met the entire Brophy clan!

At this point, I got a little anxious. Being out of my element is one thing, but subjecting the chaos that is a family of four with two toddlers onto an unsuspecting group of 20-somethings had me downright concerned.

And wait... it starts WHEN?! Next weekend? Yes, certainly no time to panic! 

So I've decided to take you all along on our journey.  Admittedly, the blog idea came later in the weekend so the pictures are a bit sparse, but going forward, I hope to share as rich as experience I can without resorting to dragging you with me.

If you're interested in participating in a Trackers Immersion program, you can read more about them here.


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